Top Five Indie Albums of 2023
Checkout my top five album recommendations in no particular order.
We're only five months into 2023 so I understand if you're confused by this. That said, so much music has been released and I thought to share some of my favorites with you, my friend. We all need music to keep us company at one point or another. These are my top five album recommendations in no particular order.
The Record by Boy Genius
The first time I listened to Boygenius, I was surprised to find it’s a girl band. That said, their beautiful voices quickly took my mind elsewhere. In this album, the ladies have put out some of their best work yet. The album starts with an acapella track where the trio enthralls us with their soft voices. It’s a fitting way to start the album and a warning of the quality ahead.
As much as I would love to talk about every song on the album separately, I’ll limit myself to my top two. True Blue is the story of a young woman who’s only happy to be understood and loved by her friends. My favorite line from the song says…
“I can’t hide from you like I hide from myself.�
Cool with It, on the other hand, is the story of a woman who’s been lied to. It’s sad but also captivating. Their voices hold all the emotion you would expect to feel, and if you’ve been in a similar position before, you might shed a tear or two.

Should've Learned by Now by Lucero
Lucero starts this album with an aggressive track called One Last F*ck You. It’s full of energy and rock guitars so you get a clear idea of what’s coming ahead. Lucero outdid himself in his sixth album, bringing his A-game in nearly every song. Again, I’ll talk about my favorite two.
“Just because you know where you are does not mean you’re not lost.�
This deep line is from She Leads Me, a song that walks the tightrope between rock and country with its acoustic guitar melody and Lucero’s deep and rich voice. The song is straightforward but with a deep message. It’s the kind of song you play and close your eyes so that you don’t just listen to it, you absorb it.
Drunken Moon, another song with country vibes, is my second favorite on the album. It tells the story of a man who’s lost the love of his life. He goes through town on a drunken spree, then concludes.
“I’d buy the moon a drink, but we both know it’s time to move on.�
I hope you finally do, my friend.
The Hypnagogue by The Church
Another album I have enjoyed a lot is The Hypnagogue by the Church. Formed as far back as 1980, the Church is one of the true pillars of indie music. I’m sure some of their older fans will disagree, but the veterans made one of their best projects with this album. It starts with the Ascendance, a true indie rock song in every way. This first track gives us a peep into what the Church is all about.
I especially like C’est la vie because of its playful energy. It has all the traditional rock song features accompanied by deep lyrics with an interesting delivery. At several points, it felt like they weren’t singing anymore, but just reading out the lyrics, I love the creativity, the sound, and the message. C’est la vie. Such is life.
I can’t pick a second favorite, but the rest of the album follows a similar path. Most of the tracks are on the slower side, and some are a bit rockier, but they all pass distinct messages. Albert Ross is about how we all want something, for example. It’s not the best choice if you want to have a fun time, but I certainly recommend it for your more sober moments.
He Left Nothing for the Swim Back by Sketch
Our first hip-hop entry on a list that’s been dominated by indie rock, Sketch comes in hard with his album called He Left Nothing for the Swim Back. He opens this masterpiece with the theme song, an aggressive song where he just raps throughout in true activist style about real, hard truths about race and other social issues. Right off the bat, we know what the album is about.
If there was any doubt about where Sketch is headed with this album, the second track puts it to bed. He continues his angry rant as if he only paused to catch his breath, and dives deep into the issues of the true person behind the image. This is my favorite line.
“Most of my heroes barely recognize themselves in what they sold me.�
This speaks clearly to the problem of many famous people selling an inaccurate image of themselves to their fans. Sketch continues with a similar theme throughout the album, talking about everything exactly the way he sees it. It's fierce, it's raw, but it's real. And that's how I like it.
Something Greater Than Myself by the Bad Seed
The Bad Seed starts this album off with a monologue, talking about how life's been tough but recognizing that God is "something bigger than myself", giving a clear indication of where this album's headed. He goes on to say just because things are getting tough doesn't mean his faith has been shaken. God was there when things were good, and God is still there when things aren't so good.
All 87 seconds of the prelude tell us this album is the story of a man who's down, but still won't give up his faith. I recommend it if you're going through some rough times.
Final Thoughts
The year isn't even halfway gone, yet there's been so much music released for us indie lovers. You've seen my top five, now I want to know yours. Is there any music I should be paying more attention to? Talk to me in the comments.
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