The Art of Songwriting
Here's what songwriting is and some tips to become a successful songwriter.
Good music is healing and therapeutic to many people. The difference between good music and bad music is twofold. The first part is the quality of production. Even a good song will sound awful when the production is bad. The second part is the songwriting. If the song hasn't been properly written, awesome production can only hide so much. As an indie artist, songwriting is a necessity for you. Without it, you'll be grasping in the dark.
What is songwriting?
Songwriting is often mistaken as a handy extra arrow in an artist's quiver. That's not true, songwriting is a different career on its own. It involves the writing of meaningful lyrics, the development of a sweet melody, and fixing them together to a certain style and arrangement. In summary, it's one thing to sing, it's another thing to write the song.
Artists get signed to labels, whether major, indie, or self-made. Songwriters get signed by publishing companies. So it's a completely different area of expertise, albeit one that works in tandem with singing. What good is a song if nobody sings it?
Is songwriting a skill or a talent?
Many young artists give up on songwriting because they don't believe they can be good at it. They believe songwriting is a talent you're either born with or without. I disagree. I don't believe that skill and talent are mutually exclusive, I see no reason why they can't be together.
Vocal talent is innate in you, but you must develop this talent until it becomes a skill, an ability. This applies to songwriting as well. Indeed, some people are naturally gifted at songwriting, some people are born with the talent. That said, anyone can build up the skill. In fact, a talented songwriter who doesn't develop his talent into a skill is walking a tightrope.
It's the skill you want, whether you have the natural talent or not. If it takes you longer to master songwriting concepts and apply them, take the extra time. Before you know it, talent won't matter.

Six Songwriting Tips
Now you understand what songwriting is about and how it's not restricted to a specific group of people. Are you now set to start your songwriting journey? Good, I have a few tips for you.
The cliche says "Practice makes perfect", and it is that simple sometimes. The more you do something, the better you get at it. So write as much as you can, every day if possible. Don't be afraid of writing a bad song, just write. In your early days, the goal is not to write a wonderful song, the goal is to build the habit. The goal is not to write the next Rihanna hit song, the goal is to make songwriting a second nature to you. As a good vocalist, you can be called on to sing a song at any time and you won't disappoint. That should be your songwriting goal.
Connect with your audience
The most effective way to get the attention of people is through emotional connection. If your lyrics are relatable, people will listen to you because your words are sparking up their emotions. So who is your audience? What are they struggling with? What are their aspirations? Put them in a song. I'll give you an example.
NF has some of the most loyal fans I have ever seen. Have you ever wondered why? It's because his music touches them in a different way from other artists, it's because they can relate to what he's saying. So when NF talks about how he deals with depression, there are depressed people all around the world who can connect emotionally to him. And there's nothing more powerful than an emotional connection.
Learn the structure
Music has a structure. The lyrics and the melody of your song all come together in the structure. This is the academic part of writing music that you must learn, whether formally or informally. You can listen to songs by your favorite artists and figure out the structure by yourself, or you can take a course on songwriting. Of course, you don't have to adhere strictly to any structure, but understanding the concepts will help you. To bend the rules, you must first understand them.

Communication is key
It's one thing to feel the right emotions, to think the right thoughts, and it's another thing to communicate them effectively in a song. Remember, however, that music is art. So you must not only learn to pass your message effectively, you must learn to pass it artistically as well. This will help you tick two fundamental boxes: the entertaining box and the enriching box.
Your music must enrich the listener, but also entertain them.
Be unique
The importance of being different cannot be overstated in the music industry. It's an industry full of competing voices so going the usual route won't help you. Instead, you must find a way to stand out. So when you understand the musical structure and can put down your thoughts in an artistic way, you need to find an extra level. Think of something no one else has done, lyrics no one else has used. Try to be as unique as possible without going completely off the rails.
I've listened to songs and wondered whether the artists played them back before releasing them. Nothing is more destructive than self-deceit and overconfidence. It will have you believing you're way ahead of where you are, and that will cost you dearly. Learn how to critique your work, and be honest with yourself. The song won't always be nice. Sometimes you need to tear it down and start from the foundation again. Other times, you might only need to change one line. Whatever the case, learn how to critique your music and be honest with yourself. It will save you.
Final Thoughts
Songwriting is an essential skill every indie artist should develop. It helps you channel your creativity and your message directly. It increases your skill set, making you more valuable in the process. It's also a viable alternative source of income within the music industry.
There are several courses on songwriting, but the key points remain:
- Learn about structure
- Connect with your listeners and learn to pass your message the right way
- Practice as much as you can
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