How to Overcome Doubt As An Indie Artist
If you're letting the doubts get you down it can affect your music potential.
Overcoming self-doubt is one of the hardest things indie artists have to go through. And yes! I speak in plural because I am one too!
In this article, I will tell you a little bit about my experience and how you can overcome those fears or insecurities you may have.
If you are an indie artist and you have doubted yourself, don't worry, it's more normal than you think. Even the most famous and important artists have doubted themselves when they are in the best moment of their life, it's something that happens to everyone because we are human beings. However, the doubts that are generated along the way can be detrimental to creativity. And you have to be very careful.
Doubts can appear in many aspects, maybe you are not sure of your ability to write songs, perform music, or be successful. And it’s essential to work through those doubts as soon as possible. But, what does this mean?
Well, in some cases artists suffer bouts of self-doubt and insecurities which cause them to lose the purpose of their passion. We have all known a musician who has considered giving up music due to fear or doubt. And that is exactly what we must avoid.
Is it possible to avoid having doubts about ourselves?
Doubts and fear will always be part of our life, it’s something we can't avoid. But what we can avoid is letting them consume us and keep us away from the things we love. It's all about learning to live with doubts, even if that sounds weird…
So, there are many reasons why you must be confident about yourself, especially because in this way you can overcome any obstacle much more easily. But the first thing is that it will help you improve in all aspects.
When you decide to be an indie artist it’s normal to have expectations, and many of them will change as you mature. You will also want the approval of others because we like to be told that we are doing things right. But, we must also be prepared when the opinion is not positive because we are not perfect.
To give you a realistic example...once I decided to be more confident about myself, I was able to explore and meet amazing people who helped me grow as an artist. This allowed me to try new ways of making music, without being afraid of failure. And I enjoyed it a lot.
Of course, I made many mistakes, hundreds of times... but every mistake is an opportunity to improve!

Building your confidence is part of your journey as an artist.
Remember that through music you can express your emotions, fears, and joys. For this reason, you must do it with confidence, so other people can feel identified.
Every artist has different doubts or fears, perhaps some are lighter than others. But they are all important, and they have to be resolved. Therefore, I will give you a list of tips that you can follow if you are going through this situation right now:
1. Don't compare yourself with others. Focus on improving yourself.
Indie artists have their special way of being, you don't need to copy or look like everyone else. Find your originality and show it to the world! There will always be others who have more experience but don't let that discourage you.
If you notice, the indie artists who succeed are original, no one is like them. And that's why they achieve so much, so take that as an example and find your style. I assure you that your fans will love it.
2. You will make mistakes many times, get used to it.
Succeeding is satisfying, but people don't talk that much about failure and how many times an artist can make the wrong decision. It's thought that everything is calculated to work out... but the truth is that it's not.
Maybe at some point in your musical career something negative happens, you make a bad decision, or things don't go well. But this doesn't mean you should give up, just keep going.
Try new sounds or melodies, and allow yourself to experiment. That's what making music is all about, and if you make a mistake, that's okay. You can always ask for help and opinions to have feedback on the work you do, this way you can improve and learn at the same time.
How To Build Your Music Confidence | Overcome Self Doubt
3. Explore your creativity to the fullest. Don't overthink.
Writing a song is one of the most beautiful things about making music. So, write as many songs as you can, and try out new melodies. .. Also you can try to improvise, this will allow your creativity to come out. And if you ever feel uninspired or just not in the mood, listen to music from your favorite artists and use them as inspiration.
Making music is the most important thing of all, remember that.
4. Rehearse as much as possible, it will give you confidence.
Rehearse as many times as necessary, this will allow you to have a better level when composing a song or playing with other people. The more you practice, the more successful you will be.
Remember that our body works through muscle memory, and by practicing constantly you build confidence and mastery. No one becomes a professional overnight, and we all know that.
5. Don't doubt yourself if your music is criticized.
Do you have any idea how many wonderful artists have been criticized throughout history? A lot. So don't let a review dampen your spirits, not everyone has to like your music. Just focus on constructive criticism to improve.
Most people who make negative comments are just doing it to hurt your feelings, that's the truth. Learn to recognize your work, your effort and all the time invested. Always remember the magic of music and all the happiness it brings to you.
To conclude, I hope these tips have helped you to solve your doubts...or at least to be more relaxed. We have all gone through these situations, you can do it!
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