How To Join An Indie Music Association
Find out how to get involved now & take part in this vibrant musical community.

Music Associations

If you are an indie artist, you probably want to join an indie music association, and if you don't know what that is... stay and read this article and we will explain it to you in detail! After learning about these associations you will be delighted with how wonderful they are.

Let's start from the basics, what is an indie music association?

They are non-profit associations that are in charge of protecting their members, allowing them to have their opinions, suggestions or dislikes heard. They are also in charge of helping those musicians who are new in the music industry, the principal objective is to guide them in their artistic process.

One of the best things about indie music associations is that they can have great allies willing to help all artists. So you will always find a wonderful community inside each association, they all have the same goal: to help and enjoy the music!

You may ask yourself, but why do I need to join a music association? What benefits can it bring me personally?

Well, believe it or not, there are many more benefits than you might think. Here we will tell you about the two most important ones:

  • You have the opportunity to learn from other musicians:

The opinions and contributions of all members are important in any association. You can learn from other musicians, either through their experiences, stories, or recommendations. Don't be afraid to receive constructive criticism, it will let you become a better musician and constantly improve.

Some people will probably be older than you, and that means they have more experience... so it's always good to listen to those who have more knowledge than you on a specific subject.

  • You can collaborate with innovative ideas that will benefit the association:

The main goal is not only for the association to help you individually as an artist, but it is also important that you can help other members. Ideally, you should bring innovations of any kind that can help improve the association or any kind of detail. This will earn you a positive reputation among the members of the association and you will be respected!

Indie music associations can provide you with access to a vast network of artists, events, resources.

But, where can you find indie music associations? And is it very complicated to do so?

The answer is, no! Nowadays it is very easy to look for such associations even though there are not many of them. The first place to look is of course the internet, with just a few clicks you can find the association you like the most. However, you can ask different musicians about it, maybe someone is a member of one and can help you join.

Before you start researching on your own, we will give you one of the best indie music associations of this year. If after reading this article you find any others that we didn't mention, let us know!

Music Managers Forum (MMF)

It was created in 1992 and since then MMF has become one of the most important associations in the music industry. According to their website, they have more than 2,700 members in the United States.

But in the United Kingdom, they have around 1,200 members. MMF is mainly in charge of helping the growth of managers and musicians who are starting in the music industry. Being a difficult process, at least in the beginning, the association offers security and peace of mind to its newer members. But as time goes by, they end up being professionals with years of experience in the music industry.

More importantly, the MMF also provides support to all members in taking care of their mental health. Either through professional counseling or through talks that are constantly given.

The Association of Independent Music (AIM)

The assistants and senior members of this association are entrepreneurs in the music industry, so AIM has a team of professionals who are ready to support all the artists. Although some of the artists that are part of this association are known worldwide, some others are just starting their careers. You can get a lot of experience, and you can meet people with a lot of knowledge. Remember, everybody is willing to learn and grow musically.

And that's not all, AIM is a perfect community for independent artists... but why?

Because you can self-release your music and make any kind of decision you want. Remember that this is not a record label, the one who decides is you. The associations are only in charge of supporting you in the process and giving you some advice or suggestions if you need them.

Music associations provide resources, help, and protection you need to succeed in the musical world.

Performance Rights Society (PRS For Music)

If you are a songwriter or composer, this is the perfect association for you. Without PRS For Music you run the risk of not having a lot of your work credited properly, so make sure you join as soon as possible. In the meantime, let's tell you a little bit about this wonderful association. First, they have over 160,000 members, 30 million jobs, and almost 3 million dollars donated - crazy!

PRS allows all lyricists and composers to repower their work by giving them licenses in which they are legally protected by copyright. Once they have that, they have the opportunity to denounce and report any inappropriate use that is being made of their music.

If you are an indie artist but don't reside in the US or UK, don't worry! PRS has an agreement with over 100 countries where they can support independent artists. Believe it or not, in the last few years, international artist intake has increased by almost 90% over the entire history of the association - that's a record!

To conclude, now you know what an indie music association is, what benefits it offers you, where you can find them and what are some of them... So, what are you waiting for to join the one you like the most? Remember that this is an excellent opportunity if you are an indie artist who needs support.

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