How To Get Your Music On Playlists As an Indie Artist
If you're looking to get your music on playlists, this article helps you get there.
As an indie artist, getting your music onto playlists is essential. Not only does it increase exposure and help build your brand, but it can also lead to new fans and more revenue.
In summary, indie artists should focus on the following key points when trying to get their music onto playlists:
- 1. Networking - getting to know the right people and making a good impression.
- 2. Making a good introduction - first impressions are everything.
- 3. Writing convincing emails - sell yourself and your music.
- 4. Knowing the benefits of being on a playlist - understand why playlist owners want to feature your music.
- 5. Realizing that it's not just good music that gets you on playlists - it's also about networking and making the right pitch
In this blog post, we will teach you how to network correctly and write convincing emails to get the attention of playlist owners. We will also highlight the benefits of being on a playlist and how playlists are the modern-day DJs. If you follow our tips, you'll be well on your way to getting your music on popular playlists!
How to Get Your Music On a Playlist
It may seem unclear initially, but there is a process to get your music on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, or any playlists and other streaming services. The good news is that it isn't as complicated as you think. With a little effort, the right networking connections, and a great pitch, your music could be added to some of the most popular streaming playlists.
First and foremost, it's essential to understand that it isn't just about the music. It would be best if you focused on networking and building relationships to get your tracks on Spotify playlists. Knowing the right people is essential for getting your foot in the door. You also need to make a good impression and be able to sell yourself and your music.
If you can do all of that, then you're well on your way to getting your music on popular Spotify playlists.
The Benefits of Being On a Playlist
At first, it may not seem like having your music on a playlist will help. However, there are many benefits of being on a playlist. Here are some of the most important ones:
● Increased Exposure: When you're on a popular playlist, more people will hear your music, which can lead to new fans. The more fans you get, the more exposure you'll get, and so on. It's a great way to get your music out there!
● Builds Your Brand: Being on a playlist helps build your brand and makes you look more professional. A brand is vital for any artist, as it enables you to stand out.
● More Revenue: If you're on a paid Spotify playlist, you can earn revenue from the streams. Generally, indie artists make between $0.006 and $0.0084 per stream, so if you're getting a lot of streams, it can add up!
● Connections: Getting your music on a playlist can help you connect with other artists and industry professionals. Connections play a huge role in the music industry, so it's always good to make as many as you can.
● Modern-day DJs: Playlists are modern-day DJs and can help you get your music heard by a wider audience. According to recent statistics, more than 433 million active users use Spotify.

Getting your music on playlist is a game of knowing how to network. Work on your ability to make connections and you will have success.

Getting your music on playlist is a game of knowing how to network. Work on your ability to make connections and you will have success.
How to Network Correctly
The first step to getting your music on a playlist is to network correctly. You must make sure you're connecting with the right people and making a good impression. Here are some networking tips:
Do Your Research
Make sure you know who the playlist owners are and what kind of music they curate. You don't want to waste your time reaching out to someone who isn't a good fit. The best way to find the playlist owner is by searching the playlist on Spotify and looking at the "About" section.
Making your own Google Spreadsheet of different Spotify playlists and their corresponding owners is also a great way to keep track of your research. This way, you can see who to contact and what playlists are a good fit for your music.
Make a Good Introduction
You want to make a good impression when you reach out to someone. Be polite and professional, and don't be afraid to compliment their work. A little flattery goes a long way!
For playlist curators, consider complimenting the taste of their playlists. For example, you can say, "I really enjoy your playlist because it has a great mix of music."
It's also a good idea to mention how you found their playlist. If you have a mutual connection, be sure to say it.
Be Professional
First impressions are everything, so ensure you're professional when reaching out. This means using proper grammar and spelling, as well as avoiding any typos. Of course, you can be flawed, but do your best to make a good impression.
It's also important to be clear and concise when reaching out. No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get to the point and be clear about what you want.
Be Friendly
You want to come across as friendly and easy to work with. Playlist owners are more likely to consider your music if they like you as a person. So, be sure to be friendly and polite in your correspondence.
Offer Something in Return
If you have something to offer, such as another artist's music or promotional help, mention it. This will make you stand out from the other artists reaching out.
Most indie artists use tactics like these to increase their chances of being accepted onto a Spotify playlist. These tips will not only help you make a good impression, but they'll also increase the likelihood of getting your music on a playlist.
Follow up
Be bold and follow up after you've made initial contact. This shows that you're interested and persistent, both of which are qualities that playlist owners look for.
How to Write a Convincing Email
Once you've done your research and networking, it's time to write a convincing email. You need to make sure your email stands out and gets the attention of the playlist owner. Here are some tips for writing a compelling email:
Tip #1: Keep it Short and Sweet
No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get to the point and be concise. Ask yourself, "What do I want to achieve with this email?" Then make sure every sentence supports that goal.
Tip #2: Personalize it
Address the playlist owner by name and mention something you know about them or their playlist. This shows that you're more than just mass-emailing everyone.
Tip #3: Make a Good Pitch
Explain why your music would fit the playlist well and why the owner should consider it. Be specific and use examples to back up your claims.
Tip #4: Include a Link
Make it easy for the owner to listen to your music by including a link to your latest song or album.
Playlist Email Example
Here is one example email you could send to a playlist owner.
Hello (name),
I'm a big fan of your playlist (name of the playlist), and my music would be a great fit. In particular, my song (name of the song) has a similar sound to (name of the artist on the playlist).
My music would be a valuable addition to your playlist. Please consider it for inclusion.
Thank you for your time,
(Your name)
Of course, you can change this email to fit your own needs and style. The important thing is to make sure it's short, sweet, and to the point.
To get your music on a playlist, it's essential to network and make a good impression. You also need to write a convincing email pitch. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to getting your music onto Spotify playlists.
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