How Do I Get Into Indie Music?
Learn how to get started as either a fan or creator of indie music.

Indie Music

In the last few years, indie music has grown more and more in popularity all over the world. Once in the shadows and only appealing to misfits, indie music is now becoming more accepted and appreciated. Indie music simply refers to music made and distributed by an independent artist as opposed to a record label. Indie music also refers to music that doesn't conform to the traditional or popular way of production.

In today's world, indie music is gaining more traction because it usually features lyrics that are more real and easy to relate to. Ironically, this same characteristic attracted scorn decades ago. If you're looking to get into indie music, either as an artist or as a listener, you've come to the right place.

What It Means to Be an Indie

To be indie goes beyond a mere genre of music, it's an entire lifestyle. To become a true part of the indie community, you must adopt this lifestyle. Don't worry, it's nothing too drastic. You don't have to join a cult or carry out any rituals. That's the whole point of being indie. You don't have to conform to anything except who you are deep down inside. Pretty cool, huh?

To be fully indie, there are some traits you must exhibit. Let's have a look…

Be independent

Indie is short for independent so this is pretty much the bare minimum if you want to be indie, especially as an artist. You have to be independent before you can be considered an indie artist. It's either that or be signed to an indie label, which means any label not affiliated with the top four record labels: EMI, Universal Music Group, Sony, and Warner. Just in case you're thinking it's a piece of cake because there are only four major labels, consider this. Sony alone has over fifty labels under it. Yes, FIFTY.

If you're just in it to hear good music, an independent mindset is still important. I've already said indie music is not just a genre, it's also a defiant middle finger to the mainstream establishment. To become indie, you have to be willing to do the same.

Be real and unorthodox

The second major trait of indie music is the unorthodox style of the music. While indie music is classified as a genre on its own, most genres have an indie subgenre. So rock music has indie rock, and this is the most popular form, but other genres also have indie subgenres. The one thing all these subgenres have in common is their unorthodox style.

Indie music does not conform to the norm or the mainstream music industry. So to be an indie, you must be willing to break bounds and be creative with your music.

Go for timeless, not trendy

Indie music is patterned after old, timeless songs as opposed to the new kind of music that trends for a while before fading away into oblivion. This inclination affects everything from music to fashion. So instead of new trendy jeans, an indie would rather go for vintage clothes or forgotten fashion styles that still ooze class.

Again, it's more and more about your lifestyle and less about your music. What kind of person are you? If you're all for trends, indie is probably not for you.

Get into the music

"Garbage in, garbage out" is one old yet reliable cliche, and it applies to music as much as anything. To get your indie juice flowing, you need to consume indie music. It's simply non-negotiable. If you're a rock lover, find some indie rock to start with so you get a soft landing. If you're a hip-hop lover, don't go straight to indie rock or you might get the cultural shock of your life.

In the spirit of getting into the music, I've prepared a list of five indie albums to get you started. No matter what your current musical preferences are, these albums are a balanced diet for any indie beginner.


Three Artists to Get Your Juices Flowing

The 1975

If you like pop with a mix of rock music, the 1975 are the band for you. Founded in 2002 by Matty Healy and some friends, the 1975 have gone on to become one of the most recognizable names in indie music. With five studio albums, the 1975 have established a name for themselves with a unique pop-rock sound and a mixture of themes ranging from sex to fear. They claim to draw inspiration from a wide pool of artists including Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, Talking Heads, and My Bloody Valentine.

And you can see it in their unique style of music. They've taken material and experiences from all over the place and channeled them into their music. It's as indie an introduction as you'll get.

Porridge Radio

Porridge Radio is a British indie rock band formed in 2015, much earlier than "the 1975". Impressively, they've released six studio albums and continue to grow steadily. They started alone but eventually signed with an indie record label, Secretly Canadian. This deal has produced their last three albums and is exposing them to a wider audience.

In their last album called "Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky", Porridge Radio ditched all the metaphors and wordplays for raw emotion. The album is a depiction of struggles and anxieties: the fear of death, self-love, and the uncertainties that come with change. It's packed full of emotions, hardly any of them good, but all quite real.


Many people assume indie music to be alt-rock or pop, but it goes beyond that. One of my personal favorites, Warsheep, is a Nigerian Afropop artist. Only starting in 2018 with his Wilting Rose single, Warsheep has steadily grown and improved his music over the years. He has gone on to release a studio album, an EP, and several singles. As far as style goes, think Afropop but darker and with deeper lyrics.

So if you enjoy bobbing your head to Afropop, but would like a twist to it, look no further than Warsheep. He provides style, depth, and a smooth vibe.

Final Thoughts

There you go, potential indie. If you'd like to join the indie community, you now know what to do. The only rule is that you refuse to let mainstream rules govern your life. As an artist, being indie can be such a rewarding experience, and you can read up on the benefits of being indie.

If you're only in it to enjoy good music, welcome to the club! You can start with the list I've given you, but explore as widely as you can. Again, indie music is more than just music, it's a life.

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