Exploring the Intersection of Music and Culture
Music as a reflection of society & the role of music in shaping cultural identity
For as far back as I can remember, music has been one of the most defining parts of any culture. You could tell one’s origin from what kind of music they enjoyed. Today, the world is more interconnected than ever. People from different parts of the world can now interact, something our ancestors could only dream of thousands of years ago.
This globalization trend has taken over, and music is at the very heart of it. From the hip-hop of Black Americans to the afrobeat from Africa, these different music genres all began from a certain place, a certain people, and a certain culture. They have, however, gone on to cross borders and make a global impact. So what is the relationship between culture and music? I’ll discuss that shortly, but first, what is culture, and what is music?
What is culture?
According to Wikipedia, culture is an umbrella term that refers to social norms, acceptable practices, arts, and institutions of a people. In other words, culture is essentially the identity of a given people. This means every group of people can have a culture, all the way from religious and ethnic groups right down to communities and even families. One curious thing about culture is that it’s passed on from generation to generation. This means that culture is never rigid, but always evolving as it passes hands.
What is music?
I’m not talking about the dictionary meaning of music, but what really is music? Music takes stories, emotions, information, and a ton of other things and mixes all that into a beautiful sound that can have a number of effects on anyone. Some music can make you happy, others will make you angry, and others might have you feeling all lovey-dovey. Whatever the case may be, music is a powerful thing that can unite people. That’s all nice and sweet, but what does this have to do with culture?

Music and culture have a deep and complex relationship, in which music reflects and shapes societal norms.
Seven Ways Music and Culture Connect
A Time Capsule
Music is divided into six periods on a timeline. This tells us that the music from each period is a reflection of the world at that time. Whether medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, or 20th and 21st-century music, it offers us a peek into life at that time. This can be further divided into races, regions, and even tribes. This quote states it perfectly...
“The music and art coming out of a given place at a given time are a reflection of the life in that place at that time.”
I read this quote somewhere and I’d say it’s spot on. Early hip-hop was characterized by angry, defiant lyrics that were a testament to the feelings of the people at the time. Fela’s afrobeat and early South African rap are also a product of similar times. Through their lyrics and sound, they take us back in time and tell us the stories of their suffering.
Today, our music is beginning to focus more on emotions, mental health, and personal development. Centuries from now, the world will hear our music and see a picture of life in our time.
Celebrations and Festivals
Celebrations and festivals are a key part of every culture, whether ethnic or religious. For example, the Jews celebrate Passover and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Wherever you go, every people on earth have a festival and/or celebration unique to them. And what’s a celebration without music?
Every celebration comes with music, and when a festival becomes part of a culture, the music is also etched in. Even in my household, we have songs that we play on special occasions. They have now become a part of my family’s culture.
Hip-hop became a culture for black people in America not only because it spoke about their oppression, but also because they played hip-hop music in their clubs and parties.

Music is a powerful reflection of culture and society, it can shape identity and express emotions and values.
Dance and Fashion
Michael Jackson is arguably the biggest artist to ever walk this earth. Two signatures of his dancing and fashion. MJ’s dancing especially took the world by storm. Everybody wanted to learn how to dance like him, and a generation of dancing artists followed him. Chris Brown, Usher, Bruno Mars, and P-Square are just examples of the dancing revolution that came from MJ. Music stars also play a big role in fashion.
Ariana Grande’s ponytail, Beyonce’s outfits, Kanye West’s Yeezy, and many more artist trends have dominated the world of fashion, which is also a huge part of our culture. This shows that music permeates nearly every part of our cultural setup.
Emotional Expression
When Fela made his music, he was not only singing to make good melodies but crying out against the wrongs of an oppressive government. When Adele belts out her extraordinary notes, she’s not just making good music but pouring out the pain of a broken heart. When we’re happy, we make music. When we’re sad, we still turn to music. Music is one of the purest forms of emotional expression, and that forms a major part of our lives. We then pass on our stories, experiences, and emotions to new generations.
We all remember singing songs as children, don’t we? Music is perhaps the first layer of education for children because it’s easy to understand and fun to participate in. Some parents may not understand how important music is in the development of their child, but it’s incredibly important.
As a child, I remember singing along to programs like Barney and Friends. Those songs solidified what my parents taught me about how to behave as a child, and played a big role in my development. A child who grows up listening to songs about violence is more likely to join a gang than one who grows up listening to Barney sing I Love You, You Love Me.
Final Thoughts
Culture is a massive part of our lives, and there can be no culture without music. Food, fashion, and music are my favorite things to explore whenever I encounter a different culture. To some, these things may be trivial, but I love how the saying goes…
“Science, engineering, and technology are the things that let us live; but romance, music, and art are the things we live for.”
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