Best Places to Discover New Songs
If you're looking for new songs then check out our list below for great resources and more.

New Songs

Discovering new songs can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. Thankfully, almost everything is online these days, which somewhat narrows the search. So, if you’re looking to discover new music and want to increase your song library so that you can rock out to different tunes while commuting and working out, this is just the place to be because today we’ll be sharing several different ways in which you can discover new songs.

1.    Streaming services

First and foremost, join a streaming service. A lot of those exist and there are pros and cons to all that you can look into once you start researching and checking each out. There’s Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, and many others.

Each streaming service is subscription based, so depending on how much you want to spend, you can choose whichever one suits your need. They all have playlists and other avenues for you to discover new songs, artists, and genres.

2.    Download Shazam

Have you ever been in a café or bar and had a song play that you like but there’s no way of knowing what it's called or who it's by? Well, they invented an app for it and now it's available on every major operating system, so get Shazam on your phone and always have it handy when you hear a song that you like in public and want to save it to listen to later on. The app is easy to use.

All you have to do is press a button and the phone's speakers listen to the song, while matching it, in real-time to all the songs it has. It pinpoints it within seconds and lets you know the name and artist if you are connected to the internet. If not, it just saves it until you are connected to the Wi-Fi and then tells you which song it is.

3.    Check out the Charts

A great way to discover new songs is to take a look at the current chart toppers. These aren’t necessarily only related to pop. Most big charts like Billboard Hot 100 or the UK charts usually have a list for every genre, so you could potentially discover your new favorite, song, or band from one of the chart-topping hits.

These can also be in different languages and country-specific, so you can explore a plethora of international music as well!

4.    Music Blogs

Music blogs are another great way to discover new music. Music Map, Bandcamp Daily, Hype Machine, and Portals are all great resources that you can explore to see if you find something to your tastes. If you’re willing to invest the time to go through each of these then the reward can be immense.

They have a lot of new and upcoming talent that you can find, alongside music industry veterans. You can also be notified immediately when your favorite artist drops a new album or single, via these blogs as well.

There are many online and offline ways to find music you didn't even know you were looking for. Time to try new things.

5.    Music Magazines

Music Magazines like Rolling Stone or Kerrang! are some of the best digital or physical resources that you could use to get more up-to-date knowledge about what’s trending in the music industry and what's not. The potential of finding new songs and artists can be high, as they have exclusive content that you pretty much won't find anywhere else.

6.    Music Podcasts, radio shows, or music-related YouTube channels

Music-related YouTube channels, radio shows, or podcasts can also be a great way to be exposed to some new music. These often include musician interviews, music history, reviews, interpretations, featured artists, and exclusive content. So, there are plenty of opportunities to find something that suits your tastes and likes.

7.    Soundtracks from movies and videogames

Soundtracks from movies and video games, both new and current are also another way in which you can hear new music. Music and video games both have numerous songs that they play throughout, and these can be from across genres and times, making them a unique and interesting way in which you can find your new favorite song.

8.    Online Communities

Rest assured that you aren’t the only one looking for new music and connecting with people on the internet can be a surefire way to find someone with a similar music taste to swap songs and artists with. The best communities that exist online for such interaction are groups on Reddit and communities and groups on Facebook.

Just join a discussion forum related to the niche or genre that you like listening to and ask around for recommendations. People love talking about their favorite artists and so you’re bound to find some insightful new information to help you on your journey of musical discovery.

9.    Local events, concerts, and festivals

Going to the neighborhood bar or club as well as frequenting concerts and musical festivals are some more ways in which you can broaden your musical horizons. Even though the headlining act will probably be someone you know, oftentimes they have smaller opening bands and artists who are relatively unknown, these can be great to experience, you never know whose music touches you!

10. Ask your friends and family!

Asking someone for music recommendations and suggestions can be a great way to bond with them, so the next time you see your friends or go to visit your family, swap artists or songs and see how those open up new musical adventures for you because you never really know what a person likes to listen to till you ask them and talk about music with them.

Their choices can be surprising and insightful and alongside finding new music, you’ll end up knowing the person much better too! It’s definitely a win-win situation.

That’s everything we have for you today, our top 10 best places to discover new music! We hope you find new sources that bring an abundance of songs and music into your life, in one of the ways we’ve outlined here.

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